Event technology on the high seas

The "maritimization" of LED displays plays an important role in LEDCON's main business. In addition to the "Mein Schiff" fleet of TUI Cruises, the cruise ships of the Star Cruises shipping company were also equipped with LED displays on the upper and lower decks.

Flat construction methods, statics, as well as the monitoring of temperature and brightness values were important criteria that had to be taken into account when implementing the projects. The selection of the components to be installed also had to be made in such a way that no restrictions whatsoever were to be expected despite the highly salty sea air.

The installation of the LED displays must be coordinated so that the ongoing operation of the ship and the guests on board are not disturbed. Due to the sometimes very strong swell, the seaworthiness of the material, but also that of the LEDCON employees is put to the test. The high wind forces also make it difficult to install the displays.

"A ship has its own rules," says project manager Christoph Struck. "All work steps are subject to the ship's employee hierarchy. That's why it was important for us to work closely with our colleague Nils Barthel, as he can look back on years of experience in the field of shipping," Struck continues.   

The limited resources at sea pose further hurdles: "A particular challenge when working on ships is the logistics, as you work on different decks and in different locations," says CTO Nils Barthel.

In order to prevent possible eventualities, all LEDCON LED displays are checked in advance in the LEDCON LAB for full functionality.

"The fact that LEDCON sets up and tests all components in its in-house LAB beforehand gives us the certainty that everything will work smoothly on site. Therefore, we have already relied on the products of the turnkey solution provider LEDCON for several ships" - TUI Mein Schiff Marketing.

LEDCON Systems LED-Display Systems are installed in the following ships, with the help of our long-standing business partners:


Offenbergweg 5

48432 Rheine